By Katie LaPorte

If you’re like me, you have approximately 1,000 things to do every day, and most of them don’t require a scheduled calendar entry or meeting. Outlook reminders pile up and get neglected until they are eventually mass dismissed, and the list on your legal pad is nearly indecipherable. So, to keep it short and sweet…

Here’s a quick way to remind yourself (and others in your office) of to-dos and deadlines!

    1. Write yourself or a teammate a quick email (don’t forget to enter your To… here), then click Options


    1. Click Delay Delivery from the Options Tab in Ribbon at the top
    2. Enter the Date and Time you want to send it
    3. Click Close


It’s important to note that these are drafts saved in your Outbox in Outlook on the computer you draft them on until they send. If Outlook is not open, your message will not send.
There you have it. Happy following-up!