AZBS > Best Way to Backup Data

Best Way to Backup Data

Why Cloud Backup is the Best Way to Backup Data

According to Boston Computing, at least 30% of Americans have lost all of their data due to uncontrollable events. 90% of businesses that have experienced data loss file for bankruptcy within a year. You certainly don’t want to be among these statistics. While there exists a myriad of ways of backing up your data, cloud data backup remains the best way to backup data by far. For instance, cloud data backup gives you flexibility, automation, and helps keep your costs down. Even better, integrating both local and cloud data backup gives you more protection than using either one alone. Check out some of the advantages of cloud backup.

Best Way to Backup Data

1. Security

Anyone dealing with crucial data will tell you that data security is one of the most important aspects when looking for a data backup service. Now, granted, you can have multiple copies of your data stored in separate areas to reduce the risk of theft or physical calamities. But think of the inconveniences this bestows on you. Having to move about to update the data, buying disks, and still the risk of calamities such as storms or earthquakes still lingers. In other instances, cybercriminals can gain access to your data and use it to extort you. That’s why storing your data backup locally is riskier.

Cloud data backup services have extensive technologies that ensure all data is encrypted when uploaded to their servers. These servers are distributed all over the world to reduce the chances of losing the data in case of calamities. Your data is basically in safe hands.

2. Automation

With a good data backup service, you won’t have to worry about your data being backed up. You don’t have to set alarms to back up your data. In fact, you will only need to check your data when you need restoration. This means all iterations of your data are securely stored every time your data changes, and should there be a compromise on your data, you’re guaranteed your data will be restored. This is the epitome of the best data backup services.

3. Easy Restoration

Of what use is a data backup service that makes data restoration a hard nut to break? Similarly, storing your data backup locally in disks will make the process of restoring a tedious one. Imagine sorting through the data storage devices looking for the chunks that need restoration. That’s why cloud backup remains the best way to backup data. You get to easily restore your data with a few clicks of a button and voila, you’re back on service. If your data gets corrupted, you can easily go back to a point in time before the data was corrupted and update the clean version.

4. Saves costs and time

The best way to backup data should make economic sense. If you deal with small amounts of data like schoolwork or freelance business, then using local drives makes sense. But as a large business, the cost of buying disk drives, maintaining them, and securing them becomes expensive. Backing up your data online eliminates the need for all these. You outsource all these functions to a reputable data backup service at a fraction of the cost.

5. Peace of Mind

And last but not least, the best way to backup data should give you peace of mind. By knowing all your data is safely backed up and easily retrievable, you can focus your energy on other important aspects. You don’t have to worry about regularly updating your data as these will be done automatically by your vendor. You don’t have to worry about cybersecurity as this will be taken care of. You sign up and set up your data and that’s it.

AZBS IT Consulting

If the above is what you’re looking for, then AZBS IT Consulting offers the best way to backup data at an affordable rate. Not only are we endowed with state-of-the-art technology to maximize data security, but our data development engineers also offer proactive solutions for all your data problems even before you realize them. We are experts in data management solutions, IT consultants, cybersecurity, 24/7 maintenance and monitoring as well as data backup and disaster recovery. Give us a try.